Made for another world

"If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in the world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." C. S. Lewis

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Adventures in Gardening ~ Soil

Here in the mild coastal south it's time to get ready for growing. I'm so tickled this year to have my own little garden to tend. Everyone in the family has picked an item to plant and my Maggie girl is thrilled to have a reason to play in the dirt. I am too honestly!

Today a rectangle of rich Alabama soil was tilled in our backyard. The pungent fragrance of rich, dark soil filled my lungs and begged me to get my hands dirty. It was invigorating! Mild and overcast, we worked in a fine mist all day.

Maggie and I worked at raking the grass clumps out of the loosened soil, she was a marvelous help. Along with grass we also found worms, grubs, a cricket and a spider hiding in the fresh turned earth. We cleaned out almost a third; it will take us the rest of the week to clear the grass out of the dirt.

As I was handling the dirt and thinking of all the wonderful things I plan to grow, imagining tiny shoots and later sturdy plants living in that soil, I asked God to teach me. Participating in the rhythm of the created order of things is an opportunity to be inspired by a tangible picture of God's overarching truth.

I was struck today by the fundamental truth that what we root ourselves in matters. Good soil matters, it will effect what grows. Taking the time to remove the grass, fertilize, mix lime in my garden will impact my harvest. I believe that's true of us as well.

"And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6-7

It matters if our lives are rooted in truth, the person of Jesus. It matters if we water our faith with prayer and the Word. The fruit of our lives will be a thankful heart and all kinds of good things growing out of our salvation. Others will be nourished and God will be glorified.

Of course if I'm lazy about my garden, both the spiritual and physical, the result will be quite different. What is your heart rooted in? Is it the rich soil of Jesus, I pray so. Let's allow him to remove the lies that choke the truth from our lives and feed us with his very own self so that we grow strong. I'm looking forward to sharing more about the truth God teaches me on this gardening adventure!

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