Made for another world

"If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in the world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." C. S. Lewis

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sister to Sister: Recieving

Welcome to Sister to Sister, a time every Thursday for Christian women to connect from the heart. Life is challenging and beautiful, most importantly it's meant to be shared. I've been inspired by many women, including you! Hearing stories of hope in hard times, joy in the every day, and freedom from fear lifts my heart!

Sister to Sister is the opportunity for you to write words of truth and honesty that bring encouragement to other sisters. It may be a personal story, a lesson God is teaching, or scripture you'd like to share. Be creative, be expressive, be real.

"He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." Ephesians 4:16

Here's how it works:
* Every week I'll give us a word to focus on.

* Try to keep your post under 500 words. 

* Link up bellow and spread the love! Visit other sister's posts and let them know what their words mean to you!

*Grab the code for the Sister to Sister link up button from the sidebar to the right and invite others to join.

Are you ready? Join me this week in inspiring other women with your thoughts on:

Balancing give and take in our hearts can be such a challenge. If you're like me receiving has it's high points and distinct challenges. I love receiving gifts on my birthday, kisses from my children, words of encouragement from a friend, flowers from my husband. Lot's of good things to receive!

But there are many things I must receive that stick in my throat, hard to swallow, like bitter medicine going down. Receiving words of truth that sting conviction to my core, receiving help when my body is sick, receiving critique on a project, receiving grace that bows my pride when I've been in the wrong.

Receiving requires an openness and humility that is daunting. Hands out in need, taking what we don't have on our own, needing from someone else. As wives and mothers, sisters and daughters opening our hearts to take in from others is a role that fits poorly at times.  

Yet pouring out to those we love means receiving is a must. Starting with the grace Jesus desires to rain down over our hearts. Receiving grace gives us freedom to live in community with other women, giving and receiving in turn.

How are you doing in this area? Have you taken time lately to receive grace, sitting still in God's presence, being washed clean again? Have you humbled yourself lately and received from a sister grace given in goodwill? (If this post stretched you, trust me, it stretched me too!)

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