I will admit to all of the above willingly. I still enjoy dressing up, I delight in watching my own little princess twirl in her tutu, and I certainly indulge in tea parties (tiaras are optional). I believe we were as women made that way. We were made to ask the questions, "am I beautiful, is there a prince for me, am I special?" And because we were made to ask those questions, there is an answer. For those of you who say I'm really not connected with my inner princess, girly, pink side, dig deep you might be surprised what you find hiding in there!
With all the Royal Wedding hoopla I've been thinking about why women young and old in many countries are enamored with the occasion. Personally I totally get it. I think many of us secretly believe Kate has won the female lottery. A handsome prince falls in love with you, you get to wear the dress of your dreams (cost not an issue), you ride off in a royal carriage to spend your life living in a castle. When children come along you have the money for nannies, you don't have to cook or clean, sure there's the draw back of the never ending media attention but you have the privilege of investing in things that are important to you and not having to do a lot of the dirty work that consumes most of our common days. (Of course a lot of that was probably true of Kate's life in the first place because of her family's wealth, but everything's better with royal jewels and a handsome prince, right?)
So in my devotions I was reading in Ephesians 1 and The Uncommon Woman (both of which I love). Ephesians 1 reminds us of our inheritance as those who have been "adopted into his (God's) own family (he did this) by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. And this gave him great pleasure." Later on Paul prays that believers will "begin to understand the incredible greatness of his power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in the heavenly realms." He also says that we've been marked with the Holy Spirit "God's guarantee that he will give us everything he promised and the he has purchased us to be his own people."
What a loving bridegroom we have. Jesus' very person answers all the questions our hearts ask, "am I beautiful, is there a prince for me, am I special," with a resounding and final yes! We were made for him, he has purchased us into his holy family; he has crowned us with his precious Holy Spirit; we have been made rich with the power, mercy and love of God, the very power that raised our beloved from the dead. We are not poor, common, unloved women any longer. Our wedding dress is radiant linen made from the righteousness of our Savior!
Saint Thomas Aquinas said, "The soul loves and is loved in return; she seeks and is sought; she calls and is called. But in this, she lifts and is lifted up; she holds and is herself held; she clasps and she is closely embraced, and by the bond of love she unites herself to God, one with one, alone in him." If you question your worth or loveliness spend time in his sheltering presence, learn what your Bridegroom says about you in his word, remember you belong to the Most High God. Intimacy with him is the antidote to our fears and insecurities.
So indulge in the Royal Wedding festivities. Peek into the world of a princess, I'm going to. Maybe even break out your tiara (Maggie and I probably will). But remember to dedicate quiet, alone time to the Prince of your heart. Know your Love better, he has made you royal and wants your heart. "This is just one more reason for us to praise our glorious God." Eph. 1:14b
you have a gift with words. this is beautiful. thank you for sharing!