Made for another world

"If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in the world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." C. S. Lewis

Friday, March 16, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Brave

Today's prompt is a good one! At Lisa-Jo's we write for five minutes and encourage one another. Today we are: Brave.


Some days the weariness of fingers pecking out the rhythm of my heart, splashed bold for everyone to see, sets heavy in my bones. At times the battle cry, whispered in the dark or cried in the silent car, for helpless children hidden away beyond my reach stifles and chokes. Truth brandished in my hand, flung up to the sky like a glinting sword, stands discordant to the preoccupied bustle of life's ebb and flow.

My shoulders sag and foot falters. And then I hear the story of those men and women of giant proportions. The Wallace war cry echos across time. Freedom! My nose sniffs the air and I smell battle. I was born for this. The Celtic blood warm in my veins can't hold a candle to the true source of bravery.

My life is hidden, I live in the power of another, a Lion. He takes on injustice with sacrifice, overcoming death with death. His booty is the captive, he trades blood for blood, his life for another. My older Brother, the first to inherit, he leads the way to victory. Bravely I follow.


We are called to live our lives through the power of Christ, an unusual warrior. He conquered death and everything has been placed under his feet, but he never once raised a weapon. "He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves," Colossians 1:13. What ruler has ever rescued a people, conquered a world, subjugated evil with a more powerful weapon than love? And love is our battle cry too. Our marching orders, our call, our standard. "This is my command; Love each other," John 15:17.  We are never more brave than when we love.

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