For some quirky reason my computer decided to connect to the internet tonight so I thought I'd hop on and take advantage. My plan for now is still a low profile. God is gripping my heart and I'm not willing to shake free of the quiet.
I've enjoyed the benefits of less online time and more time connecting with God's heart and my family. I'm amazed to say it, but I'm falling in love with my kids all over again. Not that I ever stopped loving them, I just find that my love is growing and developing knew facets of beauty. Perhaps it's due to praying for them more regularly.
I'm also spending more time on my novel, and I'm falling in love with it as well. How odd that I'm learning from the characters. Characters that I supposedly made up! But I am.
And what a treat, recently, to enjoy spending time here. As Max said, the waves remind us that God is mighty!
More regular and trustworthy than the waves is God's faithfulness, beating it's rhythm upon our hearts, and I'm so thankful!
I would love to known, in the quiet what does God whisper to your heart? What is he teaching you?