Made for another world

"If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in the world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." C. S. Lewis

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sister to Sister: Anticipation

Welcome to Sister to Sister! The opportunity for you to write words of truth and honesty that bring encouragement to other sisters. Feel free to link up a story, a lesson, a quote, a song or a scripture that's meaningful to you. Be creative, be expressive, be real.

"He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." Ephesians 4:16

Here's how it works:
* Every week I'll share a word I'm focusing on. If you'd like to join me in posting on that topic, wonderful. If not, link up with an encouraging post you'd like to share.

* Link up bellow and spread the love! Visit other sister's posts and let them know what their words mean to you!

*Grab the code for the Sister to Sister link up button from the sidebar to the right, or copy and past the graphic to the left linking this post to it, and invite others to join.

Are you ready? Join me this week in inspiring other women with your thoughts on:

I love sharing the joys of the Christmas season with my children. Nothing tickles me about this time of year like watching an old tradition come alive through the window of fresh eyes. Sharing memories and making new ones strings our hearts together like a line of twinkling lights and for just a moment I'm eight again.

I recall the feeling that washed over me in delicious tingly waves as a child, anticipation. It felt as if my skin would burst with excitement I couldn't contain. I know I asked my mother a hundred times "how long 'til Christmas?" The month that seemed to crawl along now comes and goes in a blur.

My children's same delighted anticipation causes me to pause and wonder. What do I anticipate now? In this holiday season their whole focus is on the coming day. Maggie writes letters to Santa and sings Jingle Bells, endlessly. Max talks about what will be in his stocking and where he'll sit to open presents and makes a list of toys. They're preparing for, savoring, anticipating what they know is ahead.

And again I ask, what do I anticipate? Emmanuel, God with us. Is there a more beautiful name? That's what I anticipate. The day when this homesickness will find it's cure and I'll see my Emmanuel, God with us face to face. I let the anticipation of that breathtaking thought wash over me as I celebrate His first coming and long for His next. Even so Lord Jesus come! (Rev. 22:20)

There are many wonderful things to anticipate in our lives; the birth of a baby, a much needed vacation, the purchase of a home. What are you anticipating?

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