Made for another world

"If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in the world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." C. S. Lewis

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sister to Sister: Change

Welcome to Sister to Sister, a time every Thursday for Christian women to connect from the heart. Life is challenging and beautiful, most importantly it's meant to be shared. I've been inspired by many women, including you! Hearing stories of hope in hard times, joy in the every day, and freedom from fear lifts my heart!

Sister to Sister is the opportunity for you to write words of truth and honesty that bring encouragement to other sisters. It may be a personal story, a lesson God is teaching, or scripture you'd like to share. Be creative, be expressive, be real.

"He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." Ephesians 4:16

Here's how it works:
* Every week I'll give us a word to focus on.

* Try to keep your post under 500 words. 

* Link up bellow and spread the love! Visit other sister's posts and let them know what their words mean to you!

*Grab the code for the Sister to Sister link up button from the sidebar to the right, or copy and past the graphic to the left linking this post to it, and invite others to join.

Are you ready? Join me this week in inspiring other women with your thoughts on:
Today I'm packing my bags, tomorrow I'm winging several states south with my husband to the Gulf of Mexico. From Ohio to Alabama. Change is in the air. Actually in some seasons of my life change seems to be the norm. Do you ever feel that way?

My husband and I are traveling this week to candidate at a church in Alabama. If you're not familiar with our story you can catch up here and also on my Meet Beck page. The last five months have been a time of waiting. Waiting on God's next direction for our ministry, our life. 

If I let myself dwell on the changes we've experienced in a years time my head could spin, and at moments it does. I'm learning that's the wrong focus though, circumstances, jobs, even people are temporary. My eyes need to feast on something, or Someone more permanent. There is no one holy like the LORD; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God. 1 Samuel 2:2 

One thing I've learned about change in my life is that it's necessary. Change preaches to my need, my temporary state, my humility. Change makes me face my fears and forces me to grow. It shakes loose bad habits and preconceived ideas.

In the end whatever holds firm through change, when I focus on Jesus, is what is trustworthy and valuable. Petty opinions and comfort zones fall to the wayside. What's really important rises to the surface. 

I'm trusting God, regardless of the outcome this week, to establish my life in righteousness and honor because of his great name. Circumstances may change but not the nature of my Provider.

Where are you learning to embrace change? Does change scare or exhilarate you? 

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