Made for another world

"If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in the world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." C. S. Lewis

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Small. I feel my smallness today. Insignificant, I would even venture. My voice is drown out by the cacophonous roar of humanity. Billions of people, jostling. Bigger, stronger, louder, smarter, more. Who am I on this planet that I should matter. Painfully ordinary. And yet I saw today a sparrow, smaller than I, worth less. I remember.

Not even a little bird can fall unnoticed by my Father, he knows. He takes notice of me, valued more than all the little birds. I wear his name wherever I go in my small life, down my short path. The Son notices, calling out my name for his Father to hear, gathering up his small one. (Matt. 10)

Pounding pulse of heartbeat in my ears, massive whoosh. Silence, hush falls. Breath of heaven stills, eyes turn. Heavenly eyes all on me. Throngs blur, disappear from my view as I step forward. Seraph's piercing gaze watching, the small one. I approach weighty, looming throne. Able to stand and be seen. It's the stamp, his large heart stamped across my plain one. Giving worth, adding weight, magnifying glory not my own. 

I'm no bigger than when I came, not richer or prettier. Not even more loved. In my own eyes I may be even smaller, I don't mind. I've been seen but more importantly, I've seen. In my mind, he's grown bigger as I've drawn near.

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