Made for another world

"If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in the world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." C. S. Lewis

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Pure Promise

The Lord’s promises are pure like silver, refined in a furnace, purified seven times over. Psalm 12:6

I read this passage several days ago. Ever since it has clung to me, I can't shake it. Certainly I've read many verses on God's faithfulness, testifying he is a promise keeper, declaring his goodness and trustworthiness. But I can't recall a verse quite like this.

Could it be a reminder that what God promises us, and then fulfills, is uncontaminated by us? How many times have we sought from God what we believed was good? Yet our hearts and desires aren't naturally pure. Not until they have been refined by the Holy Spirit, learning to beat in time with his, and let's face it that can be a long process.

I'm holding onto a lot of promises in my life right now. Promises God has made, to provide for my family's needs, to extend his righteous favor to my children, to establish my feet on firm ground, to work good in my life. I am comforted that God is not only faithful to keep his promises, but he has assured they are pure. We can have faith in his promises, they are far better than what we can even ask for. What a wonderful Father. 

What are you hoping in God for, what has he promised you?

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