Made for another world

"If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in the world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." C. S. Lewis

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Friday Favorites: Godology, by Christian George, reviewed

I have read a fair share of theology in my life time, and must confess to enjoying it when written in an approachable manner, which isn't necessarily easy to come by. Godology is like no theology book I've ever read before. I wouldn't specifically call it theology light, Christian George is adept at handling aspects of the nature of God and addresses weighty topics. However, I forgot I was reading a theology book all together. It's more like a worship experience. And isn't that what reflecting on the character of God should be. "Because", after all, "knowing God changes everything"!

Christian writes in a very modern, up beat, pop culture sort of way, with analogies that speak to a younger generation and make you go hmmm. The style and readability make it great for high school students, but I think the seasoned Jesus follower will appreciate the seriousness and unique perspective with which he discusses God's nature. As I read I felt like I was kept off balance, but in a good way, because I don't want approaching God to ever be predictable. Christian's excitement about encountering the truth of who God is and how that affects our everyday lives is contagious.

Here's one example of how he ties an attribute of God's character to our need and ability to experience that attribute in our lives, from the chapter Chocolate for the Soul; God's Holiness. He says of our need to create holy spaces: "Even in our churches, silence is an unwelcome visitor. Though well intentioned, our performance - driven gatherings hush our sensitivity to silence. We drench ourselves with sound. It spills down the stage, irrigating the aisles and pooling into pews. It soaks and surrounds every inch of us... This is one reason so many people are finding refreshment in the monastic traditions... monks splurge in silence every day, realizing the seriousness of worshiping God and the frivolousness of empty chatter... God is always talking but our ears are full of wax. Silence is our Q-tip. Granted, there will always be a place for upbeat, ear-popping praise. But when the ringing stops, when the ramblings cease, we find ourselves alone with the still small voice that whispers,  "My presence is enough for you."... Silence feeds a full-throttle addiction to God. It transforms secular space into sacred space."

If you are looking for a fresh encounter with God's nature and a renewed desire to worship him, this book is a great place to start. Godology is definitely on my list of future re-reads. To check out Godology on line go here or to go to Christian George's web site go here. As always I'd love to hear from you. Have you recently read a great book, leave a comment and tell me about it.

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