Made for another world

"If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in the world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." C. S. Lewis

Monday, September 27, 2010

Who am I?

The healing or the Healer, the blessing or the Blessed, the love or the Lover, the power or the Almighty, the promise or the Faithful one? Which do you desire, which do I? Would I like to be free of pain and sorrow, struggle and effort, homesickness and fatigue? Silly question I know, of course I would, that's why I'm longing for a better home, a promised land. On this side of eternity though, I have my sights set on something more than things. I used to long for blessing, now I long for Him. I don't feel good, as we speak my feet feel like they're going to sleep and my face and hands feel like they're on fire, I'm not sleeping well, I'm tired and I ache. It would be easy to long for healing, demand it, beg for it, stomp my childish foot and ask why oh why don't I have it. But I won't, do you hear that Adversary, I won't! I won't focus all of my prayers and energy on a body that's destined for the grave, not when I have souls that are destined for eternity to pray for and love. I open my heart and my hands and I say Jesus whatever comes from you I trust, use it for your glory and your good. If it's healing I'll humbly say thank you, bless your name, and I'll tell everyone how gracious you are and I'll enjoy the gift of health. And if it's your grace sufficient for my weakness, I'll humbly say thank you, bless your name, and I'll tell everyone how gracious you are and I'll enjoy you. Who am I that I should ask for more than he's already given, his very nature tucked away in this fading frame, the hope of glory? Who am I?!


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