Made for another world

"If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in the world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." C. S. Lewis

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What's been happening in my heart

It's been a while since I've written. I think some of that is because God has been doing a deep work in my heart. Often the deepest personal transformation is very private. Later, as the heart work has taken shape and become a part of us, others are able to see the fruit. But while the process is happening it's hidden. I think it's a bit like a baby, while that tiny life is being formed in the secret it is hidden from sight. Only after the work is completed does it come to light. Anyhow, I suppose in some ways that's how it's been for me in the last month or so.

Recently I finished my Beth Moore bible study, A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place. All I can say is it has probably been one of the most important, if not the most important, study of God's word I have ever done. I worshiped and cried my way through it and fell in love all over again with our unmatched Savior!

God has also been using the book of Ephesians in my life lately, to instruct, encourage and convict. The Holy Spirit has so continually brought passages of Ephesians to mind that I finally decided to pay attention to it's importance at this point in my life. I pray several passages from the book for various people already. So, recently I decided to commit it to memory. It has been a daunting undertaking but surprisingly rewarding. I'm only about 10 or 11 verses into the first chapter, so I have a very long way to go still, but already I'm reaping benefits. I find that as I memorize the word I understand it better, it is becoming a part of me, I naturally meditate on scripture and it enhances my times of worship. I often go to sleep and wake up with God's word on my lips, which has become precious to me. I don't know how far I will make it, if I will actually memorize all six chapters. I hope so, but I know that any amount I do commit to my heart will bless my life and please God.

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