
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Women who Inspire: The Sisterhood

Sister -  (from
12. being or considered a sister; related by or as if by sisterhood: sister ships.
13. having a close relationship with another because of shared interests, problems, or the like.

I have been undeniably blessed by precious women in my life. Some close family, some that lived before my time, some have rubbed me hard smoothing away jagged edges, some young, some old, some who know my heart deeply and still love me, some I've never met. But all sharing a common relation, fellowship birthed from the blood of Jesus. Sweet family, a gift. These women have so energized my Christian walk I just had to introduce some of them to you. (I hope you will post a comment and tell me about the women who have blessed your life.)

This week's sister:
In honor of my 13th wedding anniversary this week I thought I'd tell a story of how God used sisters to bless my wedding day. God gave me a gift, offered right from his hand and the packaging was these sweet sisters.

As an eight year old one of my best friends was Karen Sursavage. Her mother Mary is a sweet North Carolina woman, with a soft drawl as welcoming as a rocking chair on a front porch. I was at their house as much as my own back then. But the current of life shifted our family's and we lost touch.

Several months before my wedding my Mom encountered Mary at an out of town ball game. Sitting in the bleachers watching kids play ball they caught up with each other. Mom mentioned I was engaged and Mary shared that Karen was recently married. In relaying the conversation to me, Mom mentioned that Mary had offered the use of Karen's wedding dress if I was interested. Though sweet, I thought it an odd offer and dismissed it.

As young women do, I had plans for every detail of the anticipated day. A little scrapbook held ideas and magazine clippings of my favorite cakes, dress, party favors, invitations and more. Most brides also know the reality of limitation when planning for a wedding, the big one being cost. As my budget reached it's limit I remembered the offer of my friend's wedding dress.

Taking a last look at the designer dress edged in pearls cut and pasted in my scrapbook, the only dress I had wanted, I swallowed my pride. I called my Mom and asked her to tell Mary I was interested in Karen's dress, would she please find out the size and maybe get a picture of it.

The next time I was home my Mom handed me an envelope, it was from Mary. I plopped down on my bed and poured out the handful of pictures. The moment I saw them tears filled my eyes. Calling my Mom I pulled out my scrapbook. Opening to the page with my dream dress, I laid the pictures side by side. A perfect match!
I was overwhelmed! That God would care to arrange such a detail for me! Though one of my favorite passages, I had never been able to grasp the concept of Zephaniah 3:17. "The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."

Rejoice over me with singing? God? Really? In that moment I felt rejoiced over, delighted in. A Father to his child, giving a gift. All these years later I'm encouraged that the God who provided not a wedding dress, but the wedding dress, is still the God who provides for all of my needs.

I'm so thankful for those generous friends, sharing something so special, they were God's hands stretched out to me. How has God lavished kindness on you, showing he delights in you?

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