
Monday, September 19, 2011

A Basket Full of Thanks {Mondays}

Today I celebrate 13 years of marriage to Chris, and I'm so thankful!
How do you give thanks for a heart, for a life time, for faithfulness? I love that marriage is a picture of Christ's love. I grieve that I don't wonder over the mystery of that truth more. But mostly I'm thankful. I'm amazed that the years have woven the connective tissue of our shared heart so tightly together, blood pumping in unison. The bond of commitment has hardened, cement like, a firm foundation for building a family upon.
I marvel how time slips, hard to hold and define, maturing the faces I see reflected. Faces no longer childish, nor the love. I'm thankful that when pettiness raised it's ugly head we did battle and won, over and over.

I'm thankful that the wide eyed wonder may have tempered with experience and wisdom, but not the joy. I am my beloveds and he is mine. I'm amazed that he can still make me feel pretty, thankful I'm ever his girl. How is it that my ears still listen for his footfall and my heart skips a beat when he comes into the room?
But mostly I'm amazed that Jesus would share with us such an intimate picture of His love, a marriage. That the Father would purchase for His only Son such a wife as me. I know my husband better than any other person, and love him dearer. And yet I wasn't made to be his bride, I'm his sacred trust, held in promise for Another. It's taken me many years to even grasp such a concept and it will take many more to understand.

Today I'm thankful for a love that was conceived of by God and has been kept by Him as well. And I'm thankful for a man who has ventured out on this journey of love with courage and faithfulness, extending his hand to mine.

Linking up with Ann at A Holy Experience to say I'm thankful.

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