
Meet Beck

Hello, my name is Beck, (short for Rebecca). I'm delighted you are here! I was raised in the beautiful south, where summer lingers and the people are friendly. The oldest of three children who were lovingly homeschooled. My heart swells with the good things of this life, gifts of God in the every day. One of the things I most enjoy is writing, it's in my blood, as much of a pleasure as it is a necessity. As well as blogging about my glimpses into intimacy with God and the things that touch my heart, I'm working on a novel about relationship, and beginning a new ministry called Mercy's Refuge.

Encouraging women to link arms together as we travel this journey of life is one of my passions. We were meant to be women of influence. Over the last ten years I've spent many hours investing in mentoring relationships as well as being mentored myself. I believe life is better when done together! God has given me a passion to see healthy relationships become a vital reality in the lives of women. Every woman needs sisters! You can read my thoughts on the spiritual truths of sisterhood by clicking on the topic sisters or Sister to Sister under "My Words About" in the sidebar to the right.

The name of my blog, Beck Far From Home, is two fold. When I started this blog several years ago I was living in Wyoming many miles from my family in the south. I felt so far from home. But I realized that was just a picture of the great distance we all live from the eternal home we're meant for. I long for my forever home with Jesus, and often find myself musing on this blog about a place we see only a shadow of now but that I believe is back of every longing. You can read my posts about longing for home by clicking on the word home under "My Words About".

Fourteen years ago I married the love of my life and ever since then we've been learning how to maintain and grow that love. My complete opposite in almost every respect I've come to trust and enjoy my husband's influence. Together it is our privilege to live out the calling of service to Christ's bride in ministry. You can check out his blog on worship (he's a worship pastor) here. We have been entrusted with the training of two precious children, a boy and a girl. Talkative, loving, exuberant Max is 9. His 4 year old sister Maggie is all girl. She loves dress-up, play-doh and pretty things; what a joy! I delight to see my children beginning to explore the path of following Jesus.

Over the years I've had my share of bumps and bruises, but I'm learning to live with eyes focused upward and hands held open. Pride is ever being stripped away and wounds healed by calloused, holy hands and I'm grateful. I'm sure you've had your share of challenges as well, as we travel this journey towards home it's my desire for us to encourage and uplift one another. I would love to hear what you are learning along the way!

Feel free to connect with me on facebook or at

1 comment:

  1. Beck, thanks for stopping by my blog. You have a beautiful family!



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