
Friday, April 26, 2013

Sing a Song to the Darkness

I was awakened in the early morning gray by the sound of one little bird singing. His sweet trilling call rang out strong and silver. I had to smile at his bold declaration, his confidence, that the morning was coming.

As the gray softened and gave way to the morning his lone voice was joined by many friends. After making a cup of tea I stepped out on the back patio. The luminous moon hung low and full behind the pines. By now the yard was alive with the morning song of dozens of birds, almost raucous.

Is your life wrapped in gray? Turn your ear and listen for hope singing in the darkness, and join it. (Tweet This)

"But as for me, I will sing about your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love. For you have been my refuge, a place of safety when I am in distress." Psalm 95:15

Other people are in the darkness listening. When your song of hope, of joy in your salvation, breaks out in the lean space between night and morning it touches another heart and invites your friends to join in the song.

When the job is over sing, when the illness drags long sing, when the news is bad sing, after a night of grieving sing. 

I believe in the spiritual discipline of mourning. Stuffing or denying our sorrow isn't healthy or wise. God is looking for followers who will join him in sorrow. Grieving their own sin and the effects of sin in this world. But after a night of grief joy comes. 

The darkness is all around you. Sing a song to it. A song of hopeful confidence that morning will come, a bold declaration of faith in Jesus unfailing love.

When do you find it most difficult to sing about God's love? Have you had a friend ignite hope in your own heart before? Tell us about it!

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