
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Called to Light

I packed the blue bound book inside my suite case and set off in search of God's glory in a land time zones away. 

God knew what I carried with me, his word and a desire to see his heart for Serbia. I love how they collided, and one of the most powerful experiences of my life unfolded.

Before I set out for Serbia last October my Mom and I discussed an idea. She wanted to send something to leave in the country, something personal, a gift she had prayed over. I loved that idea. She chose a Bible and wrote a brief message in the front cover.

Soon after arriving in Novi Sad, Serbia I met a spiritual sister, Gordana. I had prayed to connect with God's people in Serbia, as well as the brokenhearted needing his love. I'm touched by the way he orchestrated both. At our first meeting, and through our subsequent time together, Gordana and I resonated with the presence of Jesus like tuning forks struck hard.

If you've followed my story long you know that Gordana has started a ministry to abused women in her city. Women who are victims of domestic abuse, women who have been backed into a corner and see no way out, women who have become slaves. Her passion is evident. She is living hope to these broken people.

Before I left I put the crisp, new Bible into Gordana's hands. A Bible that's been prayed over, that bears a message of love in it's front cover, that carries hope. I asked her to give it to a woman who speaks English, who is hungry to read God's word for herself, when the time is right.

In Serbia a Bible is waiting for a woman. A woman that my Mom, Gordana, and I believe will come out of darkness and into God's marvelous light. A woman who's past will be washed clean and who's future will be as part of Jesus' family. A woman we're praying for.

I'm small. My Mom has never been to Serbia. And yet our heart's are invested in the nations, personally, intentionally.

Discipleship can take shape in the most unique and beautiful ways. Men, women, and children are waiting in places like Serbia, Uganda, Ecuador and our backyards to be called from darkness into light. It's not our duty, it's our privilege to partner with the heart of God in praying, giving, and going.

God has called our hands, feet, voices and hearts to join him in the task of making disciples of the nations, it's not an option for his children. Would we want it to be?

Colossians 1:13-14 "For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."

I find these days that I pray more for the salvation of this woman that God's word is waiting for, and her sisters in bondage, than I pray for my Mom to be healed of cancer. I don't feel guilt in saying that because I've long believed the greatest miracle is the redemption of a human heart. After all it was my Mom who taught me the truth and beauty of sisterhood, of investing our healed pain in the lives of others. My Mom lives with a physical cancer but thousands of woman are dying from a spiritual cancer. 

I long for the day my Mom is whole and we celebrate the victory of life, but just as dearly I long for the day Mom and I embrace in victory because our prayers have been answered and the seed of that one Bible turns into the exodus of hundreds of women from a dark bondage and into the kingdom of light.

You have a purpose, a God given one, to be light. 

Who are you praying for, who are you engaging with the good news? The stories of discipleship are as beautifully varied as each of us. I would love to hear your story!

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