
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Grief Revisited

I'm revisiting this post from February. Today I hugged my dear neighbor goodbye as she crammed a few trash bags of belongings into a car and headed to a new place a couple of hours away. I'm grieving. No more amazing conversations in the backyard as our children play, introducing her to my friend Jesus. No more Mikey spending hours in my home being loved and hugged, memorizing scripture and playing guys. No more best friend for Maggie. Sin stinks. I'm glad she has walked away from abuse, but I'm sad it's so far from my front door.

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Matthew 5:4
Sometimes black clouds roll in and the sky opens up in a nasty gash and pours out grief. That's where I find myself today. After weeks of witnessing the worst of humanity's suffering, even if through blurry images, my heart has no where else to go but grief. Prayers have turned to tears.

Sin is a big deal and it's effect stretches through all of creation and life. If it wasn't a big deal, the payment for sin wouldn't be death.

Grief can be personal, the private wrestle with failed health, the daily longing for a lost loved one, the ache for a rebellious teenager, grief touches our hearts in a thousand ways though out a life time.  

It's also appropriate to grieve the scar of sin across creation, the suffering of a people group, the sin of a respected leader. Mourning is an invitation to join in an expression of our Father's heart. Aware that we will grieve, inviting us to mourn; he has provided.

Psalm 84:6 "When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs." How? "A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else!" (vs. 10) Our comfort and refreshing is his presence.

Just like anything, mourning can become worship, it's a holy work, not to be despised or shunned. Grief isn't a land that should be lived in, but rather a season, important to the rhythm of life.

If you find yourself in a season of mourning, invite God to be present, he has promised comfort. If you are walking in a season of joy, celebrate God's good gift, every season comes from him. 

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