
Friday, August 26, 2011

Five Minute Friday: Older

I'm linking up with Lisa -Jo for Five Minute Friday. Where we write for five minutes, unedited, for the joy of it. If you've never joined in give it a try. Today's prompt: Older


I watch as Summer's dance winds down to a halting stumble. Overtaken by Fall she's growing older, unable to keep up. She sheds her dress and slips away, old and tired. Making way for her fresh sister season.

I feel like tired, old Summer sometimes. Body showing signs that I've been here so much longer than my fresh faced daughter. Mind wiser, but not as quick as it used to be. And yet my soul, encased in this garment of fraying flesh, is being renewed.

One day I will slip out of this old skin, this old world. Metemorphosized, shiny and fresh. In the meantime, as my own season, like summer, grows slowly older a mystery is unfolding inside. Dead comes to life, blind eyes are opened, stone heart pumps blood stronger than ever before.

Inside the dieing me, a miracle of life is taking place. A miracle brought on by the One and only. A miracle of life that scoffs at time and death and age. It's hard to see sometimes, but faith gives sight to wondrous life, overcoming time. Age mysteriously enfolds a whisper of ageless grace.


How have you been renewed by God's powerful grace in this life? 

{If you haven't already downloaded a free copy of my new ebook Sister to Sister; A Mentor's Handbook let me invite you to do so. I write about my passion for connecting with other women and offer truths to help you invest in the women in your life. Get a copy today!}

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