
Thursday, April 29, 2010


My kids love drawing. Maggie of course likes to do anything Max does so anytime Max wants to draw she does too. Notice the bling, you've got to look your best when making a masterpiece! Max's pictures are mostly of Star Wars and space ships. He's never seen the movie but that doesn't stand in the way of an obsession. He and his friends at school draw each other pictures and send them home with each other. Most of the friends pictures are of Star Wars and other such boyish subjects as well. My problem now is where to store all these lovely works of art, the mound is steadily growing!

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I saw a great idea for preserving such masterpieces. They scanned each picture into the computer and created thumbnail sizes. Then a poster sized collage was made using the mini-masterpieces and framed like "real" art.


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