
Friday, May 1, 2009

Be still

This morning I awoke to a world flocked in white and shrouded in mist. Not exactly what I like to wake up to on the first day of May. Nevertheless it was mysteriously beautiful. So I asked God, "What would you like me to learn, what are you communicating to me through this blanket and mist?" I felt like his response was, "Be still, and know that I am God." So often I focus on my spiritual journey with a big fat ME. What is God teaching me, what is he giving me, how can he help me, he loves me, he made me... Today I want to focus solely on God. Certainly I'm the recipient of all of who he is and what he does in my life, but today I want that to be beside the point. I want to know God the giver, lover, forgiver, creator, holy one, consuming fire, be-er, redeemer, beautiful, illuminater, revealer. I know he is all those things by nature whether I am alive to receive them or not. He is so generous, today I want to give back to him, freely, from my heart. When I look around at what I have to give I know it all came from him in the first place, I'm devoid of anything original to me to give to him. So, I'll give him what he wants most anyway, me. Now I'm off for another cup of tea to sit in the quiet and look at the still world and think about Him.


  1. Wonderful, insightful thoughts sister. I know it's not what you want to see, but I really enjoyed your beautiful, awe-inspiring images.

  2. Beautiful thoughts and images.


  3. Such beauty. Those are really quite beautiful pictures even if it is of snow.

    It'll be gone soon.


  4. oh my goodness! And I thought the rain was bad enough in May! Wonderful and beautiful thoughts!


I love hearing you sweet comments!