
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Live oaks

Dogwood, magnolia, crab apple, sycamore, poplar, sweetgum, cedar, cherry, pecan... they're all lovely trees. But to me nothing says south like the stately live oak. I love trees and I really love live oak trees, they've been my favorites for a long time. I've been reading a novel set in the civil war era south, which may or may not be a good idea, and I decided to look up pictures of homes from the town it's set in. They are lovely reminders of a gracious, wealthy time in the south. Many of them have avenues of live oak trees leading up to the home, like the one pictured above. Looking upon an image so lovely does my heart good. Even flat images like these come alive to me as I remember the sounds and smells of their setting. Ahhhh, as refreshing as a cool drink of lemonade on a hot Georgia day!


  1. Come, Dahlin' lets sit on the veranda and visit.


  2. The first picture looks as if the trees are bowing. Beautiful!


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